Art & Craft

Hand Embroidery Basic

Hand Embroidery Basic

Hand Embroidery Class for Beginners

This live class on embroidery basics is designed for individuals who are interested in learning about the art of hand embroidery. The class will cover the fundamentals of hand embroidery, embroidery tools, the benefits of learning hand embroidery, and how to convert hand embroidery into a business.

During the class, you will learn about the different types of embroidery, including cross-stitch, crewel, and needlepoint, and how each type of embroidery can be used to create unique designs. The class will also cover the essential tools needed for hand embroidery, including embroidery hoops, needles, floss, and scissors.

The instructor will explain the benefits of learning hand embroidery, including stress reduction, improved hand-eye coordination, and the satisfaction of creating beautiful designs by hand. Additionally, you will learn how to use embroidery tools properly, including how to thread a needle, how to choose the right type of floss, and how to work with different fabrics.

The class will also cover the basics of turning hand embroidery into a business, including how to price embroidery work, how to market embroidery products, and how to set up an online shop.

Finally, you master five basic embroidery stitches, including the running stitch, backstitch, satin stitch, chain stitch, and French knot. You will practice each stitch in class and receive individual feedback from the instructor via the WhatsApp group.

Overall, this class is ideal for anyone interested in learning the art of hand embroidery and wants to explore the creative possibilities of this timeless craft.

This class is best suited for:

  • Beginner to Intermediate art and craft enthusiasts.
  • Anyone who’s looking to learn a new skill.

General Instructions:

  • As soon as you book the class, our team will get in touch with you.
  • You will receive recordings of the classes after the class completion.
  • You will have a Q & A session and doubt clearing session where you can get your queries answered.

For Any Queries Contact: 9677712359, 9894711213 (during 9am-6pm)


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