Culinary & Food
Learn to make delicious BBQ and BBQ sauce at home

Learn to make delicious BBQ’s & BBQ sauce at home!
“1.Upraiso BBQ class” WhatsApp group- Click here to join
Dear foodies!
BBQ season is here!
It's time to get outside, fire up your grill, and make some of the best BBQ you've ever had.
You've probably seen the BBQ recipes on Instagram and Pinterest and wondered how you could make them at home.
You're in luck because this course is here to help!
In this class, you'll learn how to make three types of BBQ recipes at home.
- BBQ chicken
- BBQ Paneer
- BBQ Pineapple
Not only that, you'll also learn how to:
- Set up the marinate,
- Set up a BBQ, and
- Make sauce and glaze all from scratch.
That's right—you're going to be able to cook these dishes just as well as if they were cooked by professionals and that too for FREE!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now so you can enjoy these delicious BBQ dishes!
This class is best suited for:
- Cooking enthusiasts
- Beginner to Intermediate cooking enthusiasts.
- Home makers who want to perfect their skills.
- Anyone who’s looking to learn a new skill.
General Instructions:
- As soon as you book the class, our team will get in touch with you.
- You will receive recordings of the classes after the class completion.
- You will receive the PDF of the recipe.
- You will have a Q&A session and doubt clearing session where you can get your queries answered.
- You will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.
For Any Queries Contact: 9677712359, 9894711213 (during 9am-6pm)
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- Duration: 1 hour
- Level : Intermediate
- Class : 20-Dec-24 04:00:PM